AnyRPG Alpha 0.3a Released

After 2 solid months of bug fixing, performance tuning, and polishing, I am proud to announce the relase of AnyRPG Alpha 0.3a.

This is the biggest release since the initial preview and includes hundreds of changes, improvements, enhancements, and fixes.

Get more information or download it here.

2 thoughts on “AnyRPG Alpha 0.3a Released

  1. Jeff says:

    Hi! This AnyRPG you created sounds very awesome and I can’t wait to check it out! I’m new to Unity but not new to c# or game creation. I helped code the RunUO emulator core and did some work on ServUO, Ultima Online emulation. Anyway I am having some issues with you package and I was hoping you could offer assistance? The issue may be with Unity itself, but I am not completely sure.
    I have trouble importing your packages. I get “Package corrupted, deduced GUID exists but at different destination path, refusing import.” One time it did open and import, but would not compile, having errors due to missing items in namespace, (error cs0234). This may be due to missing assets? I also tried putting the source code from your repository into my assets folder with now luck there, just lots of errors. I listed some info below that may be useful. I’ll be attempting to solve this, in the meanwhile I hope to hear back from you. Thank you for reading!

    Unity ver. attempted: 2018.4.18f1, 2018.4.19f1 and 2019.3.5f1 all 64bit
    AnyRPG ver. 0.6a and 0.7a
    Tried running as Admin

    1. anyrpg_ysgzvc says:

      The best advice I have is to try following the directions in this video exactly:

      Ensure you are using Unity 2019.1.10f1. It should work if you follow the directions in the video as I didn’t skip any steps and used a brand new project to ensure that it would work in fresh installation.

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